Are you ready to hear this?

Parenting your teen is not about telling them what they should do or need to do.

It’s not about telling them why they are wrong or over-explaining the “right” way.

It’s not about offering them your advice.

It’s not about making them obey or do precisely what you say.

This approach will cause you to be miserable and your teen to resent you.

Instead, you want to listen to what’s going on in their life.

How they are feeling about school, friends, and themselves.

And then share that whatever they feel is perfectly normal.

That most of their friends feel the same way.

Help them feel like nothing is wrong with them.

That WHO they are is unique and valuable.

Share that you understand that being a teen is overwhelming.

But that you are always on their side.

Together, you can solve any problem.

Support their decisions and then help them reflect on whether it was good.

And if it wasn’t, what might they try differently next time?

When you use this approach, you will stay calm.

You will feel empowered.

You will feel close.

You will feel like you’re doing a good job.

♥️ Jeanine

P.S. Would you like help? Take the next step, schedule a complimentary call, and start enjoying these years.

P.P.S. For a deep dive on topics like this, join my Facebook group, Parenting Teens: How to Not Lose Your Shit.

Jeanine Mouchawar

Hi! I’m Jeanine, a parenting coach for dedicated moms and dads who want to help their children thrive and deepen their connection. My Parenting Mastery program is curated for you.

The Wake-up Call That Changed Everything


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