Punishments don’t work

Punishments don’t work.


Think about it.


Are you motivated to do a good job when your boss says you’ll get a promotion and you don’t?


Do you feel close to your spouse when they give you the silent treatment?


Do you feel good when your friend ghosts you?


Of course not!


So why do we think that punishing our kids will magically result in them behaving like angels?


Let’s look at the impact of punishments.


Punishments try to control and exert force over our children.


They then feel angry, confused, or ashamed.


And that feels like sh!t; for our kids and us, too.


Now I know sometimes we think that if we don’t punish them, we send the message that their behavior is okay.


But there is a better way to help our kids.


And that is through calm conversations and connection.


In my Better Parenting program, you’ll enhance the quality of your relationship so you can effectively help them make good choices.


Say goodbye to punishments and start enjoying these years.


Book a complimentary call HERE to learn more. 

♥️ Jeanine

P.S. Hi! I’m Jeanine, a parenting coach for dedicated moms and dads who want to help their children thrive and deepen their connection. My Better Parenting program is curated for you.

Jeanine Mouchawar

Hi! I’m Jeanine, a parenting coach for dedicated moms and dads who want to help their children thrive and deepen their connection. My Parenting Mastery program is curated for you.


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